Head Office |
Contact Information |
Morrisons Head Office | Hilmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford BD3 7DL |
Morrisons Head Office Complaints number | +44 345 611 5000 or just 0345 611 5000 |
Morrisons customer service number | 0345 611 6111 |
Customer Service Postal Address: | Customer Service Department Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited Hilmore House, Gain Lane Bradford, BD3 7DL |
Morrisons CEO | David Potts |
Morrisons CEO Email | According to this official thread on Twitter, Morrisons CEO email is: david.potts-ceo@morrisonsplc.co.uk |
Morrisons customer service email | You can contact Morrisons through their official website email form:
Www.morrisons.com/help/form/contact-us Morrisons official email address (found on this official Twitter thread) |
Contact details for Investors | 0333 207 6513 (Overseas call +44(0) 121 415 0992) |
Morrisons Media email | pressoffice@morrisonsplc.co.uk |
Nearby Store Finder | Store finder |
Company’s Social Media Profiles | Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram |
I have Received a parking fine from your high Wycombe store of 16 mins over
I am a regular customer I do my shop there every week
I am heavily pregnant and come over feeling ill so I was late back to the car
Can I appeal this many thanks Hollie
My number 07703334534
Hi I’ve been getting online shopping for quite a few years but for some reason when i try to make a order when press the place order button error try again keeps coming up when i phoned Morrisons on Friday and told them what’s happening they’re saying see the bank ended up going to gosforth bank nothing wrong with my card i used it in a Sainsbury’s shop for a drink so when i got home i tried putting a order in for Sunday and same again when pressed place order used my card on a catalogue it went through then and tried again yesterday for a order 2day and same again keeps coming up with errors try again i am epileptic have between 20-30 turns each and every day plus my husband is diabetic he’s not supposed to do without any meals he’s ended fainting and keeps going light headed I fell over on the road and I’ve paid for a delivery pass for a year doesn’t run out until eather November or December this year
Through all the bother I’ve had to go to the doctor’s this morning i am surprised neather me or my husband is in hospital over not being able to get any deliveries for the last few days after me falling down i am now having to use a wheelchair what hard to go out for shopping
I’d like something sorted out so i can start getting my orders again one of my family is going to get involved with the newspapers
I’ve been trying to get a order put in to be delivered to my flat I’ve tried Friday and Saturday and Sunday and yesterday when i press the place order button error trouble with payments i was at bank on Saturday and card ok to use I’ve used it in two other places it’s working there so why not Morrison’s it’s hard for me and my husband to get out these days i am epileptic i keep falling so I’ve got to use a wheelchair my husband is diabetic he not ment to go without having meals none of us have had anything since Friday I’ve ended up going to hospital through falling my husband all light headed he’s ended up on the floor all we can do is just end are lives it’s not the gentlemen who brings the deliveries who’s causing bothering when they come they can’t do enough help I’ve had turns when the gentlemen have been with my orders in past they’ve seen me having a turn my husband had to hold me up and the lovely friendly helpful gentlemen have waited next to us making sure i was ok
Gentlemen who bring the delivery to my flat can’t do enough for me I’ve had many epileptic turns while they’ve been at mine making sure i am alright before they leave
Hi our local McCols has gone over to Morrisons daily , first day of opening they never got russett Heets in I was surprised as they are the most popular in McCols . 4 delivery days later every type in store but russet Heets even staff are surprised by this . Can you please check this out and add some to there order thank you
I bought petrol from your Kingswinford store this afternoon, I paid at the pump total value £50.00. I requested a receipt but this was not issued. I checked my Bank A\C as soon as I returned home and exactly double the value had been taken from my account. I returned immediately to your store and was advised by your staff that this was now standard practise, in line with Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys, in an attempt to stop fraud and customers with insufficient funds to pay. I was advised that the excess taken would be refunded very shortly (approx 30 minutes). Unfortunately when I checked again the excess value had not been refunded. Will you please explain why you have not refunded, why you did not advise before the transaction and how will you compensate for a wasted journey and the stress of this unacceptable and unauthorised theft of my money. Additionally, if I only had £50.00 in my account would you compensate for the cost of the overdraft.
They are getting interest on our money . They charged me £120 on top of the £20 I filled and it’s been a week now . They are thieves and have no compassion for the general public . It’s ok for them to hold our money but why can’t they refund it straight away . I ll never ever shop at morrissons again !
CEO email address is blocked, only two directors listed |Mr Potts who hasd blocked all emails msent to him, the company secretary and the finance director, samall boad fr such a large company.
morrisons have gone downhill with customer relation since being taken over by the conglomerate of people heading them they have not any idea of retailing and customer service use to go every week now i just give them a wide berth and shop at a more reliable supermarket [there are plenty about and a lot cheaper and friendlier customer service and attitude]
Hi. David Potts has left Morrisons as CEO. The new chap is Rami and this is his email, and it is correct.
I am an employee of morrisons daily in south tyneside and we do not get payslips and this is illegal by law, so I think this needs checking asap before I take legal action