- TK Maxx Head Office address is: TK Maxx 50 Clarendon Road Watford WD17 1TX United Kingdom
- TK Maxx head office phone number is 01923 473561.
- Send TK Maxx customer service and Head Office complaints form: Www.tkmaxx.com/uk/en/contact-us-message
- TK Maxx customer service official email address: customerservice@tjxeurope.com
- TK Maxx Business to business phone number is 01923 473000 Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
- TK Maxx Declaration of Conformity for a product: merchandise_compliance@tjxeurope.com
- TK Maxx CEO in the UK: Tony Slipman
- TK Maxx CEO Email (Tony Slipman): tony_slipman@tjxeurope.com
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On Saturday 27 th time 10.57 am store number 2047
I was at till number 5 not sure why the woman was laughing at me what I had on I it was vintage but that what I like she never said but could stop looking want I had and thought for some Reason she thought it was funny or I looked stuipd in it any way I never said anything
I am always in t.k.maxx and most of the staff no me as my friends would I bet you are t .k.maxx
Just really cannot understand why laugh at me what I had on but really she should kept to her self and just laughed when I had gone
You company have a useless and lying delivery company. This is the second time of their lies as I have camera to prove their lies